Jun 11, 2010

My two cents...

Ok...so I'm hijacking the blog for a few minutes today. My lovely bride is usually the thoughtful journaling type. But God has laid it on my heart to give "my two cents" about this whole adoption process. First, a little background to our current situation. My beautiful wife and I were married in 1998. In our vows we made a covenant with God that our home would always be filled with His love and we would strive to uphold His word in all we do. Twelve years and three blondies later our commitment is stronger than ever. During that span God has used us in youth ministry, counseling, and church leadership. However about 18 months ago God called us to step out of the ministry and focus more on our family. 2 months later God moved me into a new role at work that has challenged us more as a family than ever before. During the past year God has done a tremendous work in our family using the challenges of my schedule and the rigors it creates for us. God has presented where our faults are and has used this time to build up and strengthen this home. All for what? I always think of the jack in the box when I think of Gods plans. We know that it's coming but yet we are always suprised when it jumps out at us. During this "challenging" time God has really been preparing our hearts and home for this adoption process. The truth is I was not always open to this whole concept. When she presented it several years ago my initial thought was "I could never love that child the same as I would my own." Well 3 girlies later my heart has softened (must be from all the lip gloss I've ingested) and is prepared to receive God's new blessing in our home. I, as well as the blondies, are excited and antsy with anticipation. We know this is a long process but God has prepared us to "run the race" the reward will be worth more than any challenge we have faced. -Bigg Daddy

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