Feb 24, 2011
The Change Needed to Begin at Home
Feb 21, 2011
Our Children ....What if This Affects Them?
We pray that they will be filled with his love, grace, mercy. That they might in turn share those very gifts with everyone they meet, including the orphan, widow, and the least of these. We want them to know and understand that the important things in this world are not things. That God has called us to store up our treasures in heaven and not on Earth. That while video games, flat screen TVs, cars, purses, designer clothing, trendy shoes, large houses, swimming pools, lake homes, and etc are not necessarily bad things, but they are not what God intended us to base our lives around. Those are all desires brought to us by this world and not by our heavenly father. If this adoption or possibly another in years to come keep my children from obtaining more "things", I am fine with that. If they are not the most popular or liked child because they do not own these things, I am fine with that too. We believe we would be doing them great disservice to let them believe that their life will only be complete with things of this world.
Our hearts are burdened for our children and for their generation, that they may know the Lord and that they would choose to share his great love with others. Our adoption is a direct response to that in our lives. We know Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior, we have been overwhelmed by his love for us, and we want to share it with others.
Feb 1, 2011
Would You Please Not Do Lunch with Me?
Wooh.. Crazy Times
Big Sister provided a little extra TLC to Gbug during her sickness.